Smart Farming (SF) and Precision Agriculture (PA) constitute an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the agriculture research field by using efficient monitoring and data processing methods in large farm fields. In essence, their methods intend to detect potential anomalies in processing the farming inflow (products), reduce the resources needed to cultivate crops and minimize environment impact. The effective implementation of SF and PA requires the collection of real-time information and their interconnection with information systems and smart devices at the economical solutions.
In this context, sMart fArming with dRoneS (MARS) aims to develop an efficient, integrated SF monitor system by using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), smart sensors, and meteorological stations to a) reduce the resources needed to cultivate crops and minimize environmental impact, b) detect potential anomalies (stress) in processing the farming inflow (products), and c) promote and advance local products of the region of Western Macedonia such as high-quality leguminous crops and fruits.
Source: https://www.vetonews.gr